Legacy of Life
Rampert and Meghala believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and is the sufficient rule for faith and practice as per 2 Tim 3:16,17. They maintain an interdenominational approach and have had the privilege of preaching and teaching in various contexts including church services, youth meetings, seminars, house fellowships, public meetings, catering to the young and old alike. Since faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, as per Romans 10:17, they are committed to the proclamation of the whole counsel of God in each unique context, to foster faith and obedience in the hearers.

Rampert entered full-time Christian service in the year 1987 and Meghala in the year 1984. They have three children Rachelle, Johann and Rebecca and they live in Chennai, India.
An integral component of the ministry is the usage of music. Convinced that it is an effective medium to be used, Rampert and Meghala factor it as an integral part of their communication. Meghala has sung in several Christian Albums and continues to use meaningful songs to under-gird the message that is preached. Rampert provides the accompaniment either through tracks that he has sequenced or plays the keyboard live on such occasions. The spoken word always accompanies the music that is used.

They also use music as an aid to Scripture memorisation. In the late 1980s Rampert composed a series of songs titled “Scriptures,” which are scriptures put to tune with no alterations. More recently, three songs in the “Take 5” scripture memorisation series were composed, for which the tracks are also available. Links to these free resources can be found in the resources section under Scripture Memorisation.
“Avar Naamam Yesu” literally 'His name is Jesus' is a Tamil devotional broadcast which seeks to encourage, inform, comfort and exhort the hearers. The broadcast contains a song and the spoken word in Tamil. It is aired on Nambikkai Television Channel at 3.00 PM – 3.30 PM every Sunday, and was watched by a wide spectrum of people. The archived episodes can be found at the "Rampert & Meghala" channel on YouTube.

Kingdom People “Irai Arasin Makkal” is a broadcast in an interview format. On select days, instead of the song cum preaching format, It features people from various walks of life, who have said “yes” to the rule of God in their lives. This has caused them to raise above crippling circumstances and has guided them in the way they have made their choices. This program seeks to do two things. One is to learn from the devotional lives, ethical standards and choices, values from the Bible, vision and obedience of the one being interviewed. The other is to learn how some of them faced challenges like loss of children, conflicts of various kinds, challenges to their faith etc., through the grace of God so that the hearers may be edified and encouraged to also trust God during tough times in their lives. The archived episodes are again found at the "Rampert & Meghala" channel on YouTube.
Rampert and Meghala believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and is the sufficient rule for faith and practice as per 2 Tim 3:16,17." data-share-imageurl="">